Tag Archives: #Bizarre 2014

Bizarre, Odd, Beautiful and Ugly. Pictures Worth a Thousand Words?

This picture is so beautifully ackward...The confused expression on the childs face...the blurred adults and the childs hand waving in a peaceful gesture of greetings...
Bizarre, Odd, Beautiful and Ugly: Is a picture worth a thousand words?

Bizarre, Odd, Beautiful and Ugly: Is a picture worth a thousand words?

This picture is so beautifully ackward…The confused expression on the child’s face…the blurred adults in the fore-ground and background… and the child’s hand, waving in a peaceful gesture of greetings…

These are Caffeine Crystals! Magnified many times…you see the chemical compounds responsible for Human Existence! Coffee!

Technology has made it possible for us to see beauty in ways we have never seen before. Would you think the Caffeine Crystals above would ever come from coffee?

Beauty hides everywhere…so does the BIZARRE.

Exploding Human Head
The  unknown artist, which gave life to this piece, definitely gets our attention with this very visual art. How does this art-work make you feel?

Bizarre, disturbing, and intriguing. Those are the words that describe this piece to me. I want to know what the artist was feeling when they created this artwork. I want to know what the artist’s meaning was…I guess I will never know, kinda like missing the last, important part of a movie you are engrossed in.

Hanging Upside Down in a Lake?
This picture will force you to study it. The image forces you to understand it!

This image caught me off-guard. It took my brain a moment or two, to listen to the information streaming from my optical nerves… Is it a man? Is it a woman? The tatoos…is the person tribal? What is the person doing? So many questions and no real answers…

Nature Taking Back Nature
Nature fighting to take back what was stolen!

Odd? I don’t think so. I feel empathy and understanding when I look at this piece of art-work. I enjoy and know what the artist is representing with this picture.

Dimensional Spheres in a Fishbowl
Dimensional Spheres in a Fishbowl. Dessert for your eyeballs!

Dessert for your eyeballs! Looking at this artwork is like riding a roller coaster ride! The human brain is almost over-stimulated by the colliding colors!

If my head wasn't attached...I might lose half of it!
Is this abnormal? Is it normal? What is normal? What does abnormal mean to you?

Many questions arise in my head. What happened to this person? Where is this person? What is the person feeling as they are being photographed for their “abnormality”? I find this image wonderfully abnormal. Different and brave at the same time. I think this person is a living work of art! I see many people this way, the interesting ones anyways.

CoExist. The Title, CoExist, says it all.
CoExist. The Title, CoExist, says it all.

If only we could all accept each other’s differences and simply, coexist, the world would be a much better place. If we could accept each other for the beautiful, odd, bizarre pieces of art that we all are…If we could be free to just be…our colorful selves, without fear of judgement or persecution. Christians have been persecuted, but what about atheists today? Atheists hide in the dark, afraid or unable to voice their beliefs. Tolerance for all religions. Tolerance for all beliefs. CoExist!

Santeria is a religion commonly practiced in Caribbean countries
Santeria is a religion commonly practiced in Caribbean countries…

This image is visually stunning. Do you find it offensive? Do you disagree with it because you are a different religion?

Visual Art of San Poggio
Visual Art of San Poggio
Nature's Canvas...the world!
Nature’s Canvas…the world!

Enjoy your canvas…Create whatever you want, you can always find more canvas!

written by Emery Myers for http://www.cannablogna.com

Images courtesy of Google Images.