Tag Archives: veterans

Don’t Judge My Personal Beliefs and My First Amendment Rights! by Emery Myers

Don’t Judge My Personal Beliefs and My First Amendment Rights!

Written by Emery Myers

May 5, 2014

Bob Marley Judgement
Bob Marley was a man of peace and love. I echo his very wise words. Image courtesy of Google Images.

First, I would like to start by stating, I HAVEN’T MADE ANY MONEY OFF THIS BLOG. I have not received a single dime and I don’t plan on making any money from this blog. I have paid more than I will make. Bloggers don’t make a lot of money unless they are very established, and even then, it’s usually not a “lot” of money. I am not writing stories for anymore than entertainment, self-expression and my right to exercise the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, which I paid to defend in blood, sweat and tears.

Secondly, I am very passionate about certain subjects. Many of the subjects I have written about, I have personal experience with such as PTSD and Depression, but some automatically assume the article is about them. I hope my article do speak to some of you, but I would never use another person’s name without their express permission in my articles about subjects like these.

I am passionate about ending the American Human Rights Travesty known as the War on Drugs. I am passionate about the homeless rate and homeless people in the U.S. and I am passionate about medical marijuana being legal for all who suffer from disease and mental illness, under a doctor’s supervision. If you don’t agree with these items, you probably will not like a lot of the content I write.

Congress Shall Make NO LAW...First Amendment of the Constitution. Image Crtsy Google Img
Congress Shall Make NO LAW…First Amendment of the Constitution. Image courtesy of Google Images.

 Some stories may seem crazy, others are scientifically backed with references. Some are humor for adults and that is all.  My views are not your views, of course. I believe in the First Amendment and I also believe in respecting other people’s viewpoints. If you don’t like my articles, please, don’t read them. I don’t write my articles to offend anyone. If you do like them, please, keep coming back! We are all individuals and all add color to the palate of this planet!

I am an advocate for people. If I see someone suffering, I try to help. If I see a homeless person, I don’t think “why don’t they get a job“. I think to myself “life must be really hard for them“. I realize that they may have physical or mental illness that are untreated. I realize they are people, just as equal as any ONE of us. I realize that anyone of us could be in their same, exact situation regardless if we believe so or not.

Where is homelessness getting worse? As you can see, Kansas is at the top of where homelessness is getting worse! Image courtesy of Google Images
Where is homelessness getting worse? As you can see, Kansas is at the top of where homelessness is getting worse! Image courtesy of Google Images

I stopped to speak to a homeless man in my city recently. I live in Kansas, and Kansas is a state with one of the largest growths in homelessness. The homeless man was waiting for disability, (which takes a LONG time to get) and after speaking to him, he needs it, absolutely. It saddened me to see people posting things on Facebook about this individual. People are so judgmental of others at times. With the million-dollar churches in our small town of 48,000, I would think someone could help him a little more. Churches have to keep that collection plate full though, I am sure the operating costs of some of these Gargantuan Churches makes charitable work hard for them to do… ~sarcasm intended! Why don’t the churches take care of the poor and homeless? Some have pseudo fund-raisers but their actions speak much more than their words. It seems the smallest, poorest churches do the most for fellow human-beings. I guess that is a metaphor for life these days.

Homeless Veterans in America. The cold, hard facts about the way our government treats it's military veterans after they are of no use to the government. #PTSD
Homeless Veterans in America. The cold, hard facts about the way our government treats its military veterans after they are of no use to the government. #PTSD Image courtesy of Google Images.

Do you know how many veterans are homeless? It’s a pandemic in the United States and PTSD is very real. Kindness not judgement is what I try to live by. Judgement isn’t my job but I can certainly give a homeless person a few bucks or buy them a meal. It sets a great example for my children also. I have noticed many people are almost angry at the homeless. I don’t understand that reaction to a human being that is out of options.

Black Americans Pay the Price Still in America. Black people are much more likely to go to prison for minor, non-violent drug offenses and they use drugs at the same rate or less than caucasian people. This is a great, racist hypocrisy in America. Image courtesy of Google Images.

I also fight for freedoms and to end the ruthless War on Drugs. I am an advocate for Medical Marijuana in a state that is so red, I have lost friends, family, been accused of being a “stoner”, name-called and even had death wished upon me FROM A (former now) FAMILY MEMBER! It has been crazy. Just because I exercise my rights in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. I feel that I have earned those rights by fighting for my country as a U.S. Marine.

This is a picture of me in my Marine Corps Dress Blues right before the war in Iraq started.
This is a picture of me in my Marine Corps Dress Blues right before the war in Iraq started.

I have even had family members insult my honorable service of a total of 8 years in the Marine Corps. I no longer talk to those people and will not talk to them again. I can be kind but I also have pride and wisdom enough to stay away from a hornet’s nest full of angry, hypocritical people. This case, very religious people who only see the world through their own rose-colored lenses!

I don’t support the NRA but I do support the Second Amendment as it is written. Many Americans have never read it, they just know it has to do with gun ownership and the “right to bear arms”, but do not understand the Amendment themselves. This is absolutely dangerous.

I carry on though, questioning if it is worth it. Maybe it isn’t?  Nobody really reads any of the articles I write anyways. I just want to be part of a positive change for people out there suffering. I want people to have options to treat their diseases without fear of being put in prison or dying in a jail cell like this Kansas woman (click this link for KC Star Article):                 Brenda Sewell Dies in Jail Cell for small amount of cannabis. This happened very recently IN KANSAS!

A 58-year-old woman is dead over a little bit of a plant! Is that justice? Is that what the war on drugs is protecting us from? She is dead because of the WAR ON DRUGS! She is dead because the police did not give a sick woman her medications. She was a mother, daughter, sister… an American! Dead because she was getting medicine for her painful conditions and disease processes. This is a tragedy, already forgotten or never even heard of by most Kansans and Americans!

Ms. Sewell is another victim of the travesty known as the “War on Drugs”. This 40 year war has killed, injured and imprisoned millions making the U.S. the Prison Nation of the World amongst its peers. Here is why we are the LEADER in incarcerated Americans:

President Nixon's racist war on the poor started the industry of incarceration in the United States. An almost impeached crook started this war that has spanned 4 decades!
President Nixon’s racist war on the poor started the industry of incarceration in the United States. An almost impeached crook started this war that has spanned 4 decades! Image courtesy of Google Images.

The U.S. has 5% of the world’s population but 25% of the worlds prisoners. Does anyone really think this is okay? The War on Drugs has ruined so many 1st time, non-violent offenders lives, and their families’ lives. I am talking NON-VIOLENT offenders. I believe, if violence is part of the crime, then absolutely the perpetrator needs to go through the judicial process. The 18-year-old kid that gets sentenced for a first offence that is non-violent sale of a very small amount of marijuana… that is a whole different story. Many will get a decade in prison for a small amount of a plant because of mandatory minimum sentencing.

Why wouldn’t I fight to protect democracy? I have been doing so since I joined the Marine Corps at age 17 through the delayed entry program, as a senior in high school.

Democracy majority rules
Democracy majority rules right? We all know that the system of government doesn’t operate this way. If it did, we would have much more freedom to pursue happiness and health! Image courtesy of Google Images

Homelessness and the war on drugs go hand in hand. The War on Drugs has been nothing more than a War on the Poor… a Racist war on the poor…the homeless…the people with nobody to advocate for them!

This homeless veteran of Vietnam served his country proudly as a Marine. Where is his country now?
This homeless veteran of Vietnam served his country proudly as a Marine. Where is his country now? This should NOT EVER happen in America. The U.S. Government took this man’s life with a war over communism? What did that war accomplish. I wish I could ask the Marine in this picture. Image courtesy of Google Images.

Here is another story out of hundreds, even thousands of first time, non-violent offenders either being injured or dying after being arrested for misdemeanor cannabis possession. No violence, just simply using a plant. Here is a video of a 22-year-old man who died within 24 hours of turning himself in for Misdemeanor marijuana possession:

I can post more, but you can also do an easy search on these tragic losses due to the 40 year war on drugs. Click the link if you want more information.

In closing, I would like to thank all of my true friends and family members for supporting my first amendment rights. I would like to thank all those who follow my blog. It means the world to me. I would also like to thank all of the veterans and veteran’s families for the sacrifices you have made, continue to make and will make in the future. Our poor and middle-class fight the wars for the rich in this country, but we do it with pride and dignity, unlike the politicians and ultra-rich that use us for their career and monetary gain. Thanks again!

Please take time to sign this MoveOn.org petition to #endthewarondrugs Just click the button and sign!

Please click and sign our petition to decriminalize a medicinal plant, cannabis and allow patients safe access to a medicine that has been used for more than 5000 years by humans. Please help end the racist war on the poor! #endthewarondrugs

Thanks again and Semper Fidelis,

Emery Myers

All images except my Marine Corps photo are from Google Images and this web-blog and myself have no ownership of these photos.

I’m Fine.

Depression leaves you uncomfortable in your own skin
I’m Fine. I take the right pills the doctor prescribed. I am fine. Inside, I am not, but you will never know.

We all get asked “are you okay?” by loved ones or friends, and we give stock answers like “I’m fine” and “Don’t worry about me, I’m good.” Are these answers truthful? For some people they are. Other people…not so much. It’s just a self-defense mechanism that has been learned from a lack of an emotionally supportive childhood.

Adults that were abused as children often have feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem and long periods of depression. Often these fellow human-beings are prescribed medications that become a necessity, because quitting them leaves you with terrible withdrawal symptoms, which are worse than being on the medication. These “medicines” leave you apathetic with an empty feeling deep inside of you, that seems as though it will never be filled with anything, but sadness, rage, hopelessness and a poor image of self.

Many people abused as children, suffer many medical conditions during adulthood. Many contemplate and even plan suicide, often, if not a good part of the day. Abused Adult Children (AAC) are NOT more likely to abuse their own children, that is just a cruel theory invented by some dipshit with a fancy degree hanging on his wall.

The truth you ask? Well, it is individual and different for everyone. Some people NEVER recover from the abuse. I know that AACs are more likely to have pain, especially in the gastrointestinal and pelvic areas. I know these individuals are prone to isolation and a total lack of self-esteem. Many times these individuals feel it is always their fault, no matter the situation. These adults, abused as children, always make apologies for their actions. Many have issues with intimacy and even sexual dysfunction over the abuse.

Men, especially, don’t usually tell about their abuse as a child, especially if it was sexual abuse. Men in the American culture always have been taught to be stoic…seldom do they speak of past abuse or they simply have blacked it out. Men feel it is something that shouldn’t be spoken of, or any emotion given to it… after all, that might be considered weakness, and in America, men shouldn’t be weak, right?

PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is very common in this classification of person. PTSD results in anxiety, panic attacks and long bouts of depression. Many give up trying to speak of it because it would indicate weakness in their eyes. PTSD is a sad condition. The hyper-startle response or lack of any startle response. PTSD sufferers may have flashbacks, obsessive thoughts and violent nightmares. These nightmares may include pieces of the abuse that occurred as a child. 22 veterans commit suicide EVERY day in America. Think about it, that’s almost 1 veteran, every hour, every day, every year!

If you feel you have depression, please seek medical help. If you feel you suffer from PTSD from past traumatic experiences, please seek help.

If you want to take the depression quiz, please click HERE.

There is a natural medication that has been shown to effectively treat PTSD, Depression and Anxiety. If you want more information on this, click HERE.

I am not selling anything or giving medical advice. I am a registered nurse and a veteran of Desert Storm, having served 8 years and honorably discharged. I know of a natural medicine that is so more effective at treating PTSD, anxiety and depression but the federal government and many states make it a crime to pursue a life of happiness. Please support all with PTSD, including our war heroes and sign my petition for the compassionate use of medicinal cannabis in treating these disorders. Just click the button below.

SIGN THE PETITION FOR ALL THOSE WHO CAN'T. IT's not up to us what treatment an individual American feels works best for them and theirs! Thats Freedom!
SIGN THE PETITION FOR ALL THOSE WHO CAN’T. IT’s not up to us what treatment an individual American feels works best for them and theirs! Thats Freedom!


Article written by Emery Myers


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