Tag Archives: natural pain relief

The United States Government’s Hypocritical, Sorry and VERY dated incorrect information on Marijuana.

The latest American Governments take on Marijuana: Warning, the science on this information is out-dated! It is likened to the government movie: Reefer Madness;

Now, a real, current, highly regarded physician, Dr. Sanjay Gupta!

Everybody Favors Marijuana Legalization Except Elderly Republicans
Everybody Favors Marijuana Legalization Except Elderly Republicans
I am a Desert Storm Vet and the owner of this blog. I did my time for the government and ended up with PTSD, insulin dependent diabetes, anxiety, depression...was exposed to terrible conditions, brutality, war...Why can't our elected officials HELP US! Medical Marijuana improves PTSD symptoms. It does not cause schizophrenia unless the person is already schizophrenic. Alcohol is flat deadly...the government doesn't care about alcoholism!
This is me…Mr. Cannablogna! I am a Desert Storm Vet and the owner of this blog. I did my time for the government and ended up with PTSD, insulin dependent diabetes, anxiety, depression…was exposed to terrible conditions, brutality, war…Why can’t our elected officials HELP US! Medical Marijuana improves PTSD symptoms. It does not cause schizophrenia unless the person is already schizophrenic. Alcohol is flat deadly…the government doesn’t care about alcoholism!

Q.  Isn’t marijuana generally harmless?

No.  Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug, meaning it has a high potential for abuse and no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. The main active chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly called THC.  THC acts upon specific sites in the brain, called cannabinoid receptors, starting off a series of cellular reactions that ultimately lead to the “high” that users experience when they smoke marijuana.  Some brain areas have many cannabinoid receptors; others have few or none.  The highest density of cannabinoid receptors are found in parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thinking, concentrating, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement.

Marijuana’s “high” can affect these functions in a variety of ways, causing distorted perceptions, impairing coordination, causing difficulty with thinking and problem solving, and creating problems with learning and memory.  Research has demonstrated that among chronic heavy users these effects on memory can last at least seven days after discontinuing use of the drug.

These aren’t the only problems connected to marijuana use.  Research tells us that chronic marijuana use mayincrease the risk of schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals, and high doses of the drug can produce acute psychotic reactions.  Researchers have also found that adolescents’ long-term use of marijuana may be linked with lower IQ(as much as an 8 point drop) later in life.

We also know that marijuana affects heart and respiratory functions.  In fact, one study found that marijuana users have a nearly five-fold increase in the risk of heart attack in the first hour after smoking the drug.  A study of 452 marijuana smokers (but who did not smoke tobacco) and 450 non-smokers (of either marijuana or tobacco) found that people who smoke marijuana frequently but do not smoke tobacco have more health problems, including respiratory illnesses, than nonsmoker. ~This is completely untrue. 21st century methods including pill form, edibles, vaporizing…all much safer!~ This is all very, very dated information!

All that stated, a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that low levels of marijuana use (with no tobacco use) produced no detrimental effect in lung function among study participants.  In fact, exposure led to a mild, but not clinically significant, beneficial effect—albeit among those who smoked only one joint per day.  While these findings have received wide attention from the media and from advocates of marijuana legalization, it is important to consider them in the context of the extensive body of research indicating that smoking marijuana is harmful to health.  Additionally, while the study did not include a sufficient number of heavy users of marijuana to confirm a detrimental effect of such use on pulmonary function, the findings suggest this possibility.

The harms of marijuana use can also manifest in users’ quality of life.  In one study, heavy marijuana users reported that the drug impaired several important measures of health and quality of life, including physical and mental health, cognitive abilities, social life, and career status.

Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States.  In 2011 alone, more than 18 million Americans age 12 and older reported using the drug within the past month.  Approximately 4.2 million people met the diagnostic criteria for abuse of or dependence on this drug.  This is more than pain relievers, cocaine, tranquilizers, hallucinogens, and heroin combined.

There are very real consequences associated with marijuana use.  In 2010, marijuana was involved in more than461,000 emergency department visits nationwide.  This is nearly 39 percent of all emergency department visits involving illicit drugs, and highlights the very real dangers than can accompany use of the drug.

And in 2011, approximately 872,000 Americans 12 or older reported receiving treatment for marijuana use, more than any other illicit drug.  Despite some viewpoints that marijuana is harmless, these figures present a sobering picture of this drug’s very real and serious harms.

Marijuana places a significant strain on our health care system, and poses considerable danger to the health and safety of the users themselves, their families, and our communities.  Marijuana presents a major challenge for health care providers, public safety professionals, and leaders in communities and all levels of government seeking to reduce the drug use and its consequences throughout the country. ~courtesy of: http://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/frequently-asked-questions-and-facts-about-marijuana#harmless

Although alcohol, prescription drugs, alcohol and tobacco are not as serious because they are legal? Just because Tobacco is legal are there more people smoking? Actually the numbers have declined drastically…this is due to EDUCATION, which in my state of Kansas, drug programs are not affordable to the government due to the costs of running prisons and such! INSANITY!

Nelson Mandella
Freedom…Isn’t that what we all crave? Should we have to crave freedom over our own bodies in America? It IS the 21st century! Republicans need to understand that. The new generations aren’t interested in their bullshit!


What is Beauty?

So what is the essence of beauty? What does beauty mean to you? What did beauty mean to you 5 years ago? 10 years ago? 20 years ago? What is beauty at this very moment in relation to your mood, state-of-mind?

Do you feel beautiful? Are you truly B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L?

Beautiful man's dreadlocks

This man is beautifully different in many ways…I don’t know  him personally, but I bet he is very fun to be around. I would also wager he attracts people, naturally, without trying. They just gravitate towards his beauty…his essence!

No matter what we do to ourselves…it seems we never see beauty in the mirror. We see a variety of things…not enough muscle here, jaw line is askew and assymetrical…hair is too thin in that spot…hair is too wavy…pimples are on face…We so often, only see the negative in our faces…our identities as human beings!

We see beauty in magazines, television, movies and in other people…yet the person in the mirror…never cuts you a break! Slap! Smack! that’s what it feels like sometimes!

Blue eye...but beautiful?

Is she beautiful?

I personally feel, that true beauty comes from within…comes from the facial lines that etch your lives work…your personality map…visible only to other truly beautiful people, that understand what beauty really is. This makes the person beautifully empathetic, weak, strong, over-bearing, stern, angry, lovely, caring…

Beautiful elderly man with long flowing beard

His appearance is akin to how a perfectly aged wine tastes, smells, intoxicates…He IS perfectly aged and is beautiful…his personality map says so!

One of the most beautiful people I ever met, was a man I cared for as a registered nurse. He was in his 80s and had  moderate staged Alzheimer’s Disease. He had gangrenous wounds on both feet that I had to treat and change dressings, etc. every night I worked(I worked 40+ hours as night shift charge nurse per week). His treatments would take up to an hour sometimes, when done right and I am very “by the books” as a registered nurse.


Head of an Old Man by ~alexei-biryukoff~

We formed an unpleasant, foul relationship at first. We will  call the man “Dale”. I didn’t blame Dale at all, his Alzheimer’s affected certain “social-norms” that we as humans share when our brains are “healthy”. He of course, would become very upset when I would cleanse his feet and do the treatments and dressing changes. I didn’t blame him…I knew he was a kind and beautiful man. I had spoken with his family and all of them over-flowed with puddles of love, when visiting Dale and speaking about Dale.

I knew, if I were to deliver effective medical treatment to his feet, Dale would have to trust me and I had to earn that trust…so that’s what I did…I worked very hard and you know what? He and I ended up becoming wonderful friends with a 55 year age difference.

Even with Alzheimer’s Disease affecting his cognitive functioning, he taught me about humility, empathy, love for one’s family and hard work. He was a WWII veteran and I too am a veteran, we really bonded over that fact. He shared bloody, gory war stories with me, tears in his eyes, but remembering every detail…despite the Alzheimer’s.

Young and old vet together...sharing a bond of brotherhood.

Young and old vet together…sharing a bond of brotherhood.

He never told his family any of those stories! That was the biggest lottery…biggest gift he could have given me! He passed…not well…it was a drawn out and painful passing.

beautiful abstract abstract picture

Abstract view of humans bonding…romantic or not, it does not matter.

He was beautiful and we were beautiful together…as fellow veterans, fellow family men and…as…fellow human beings. It was beautiful and is one of the things in my psyche that makes Me beautiful!

Embrace who you are! You are beautiful if you look in the mirror and see past the exterior…see deep inside you…see your failures, successes, wrong-doings, good choices, positive personality traits…See your broken relationships…see your loving relationships…

If you are comfortable with all of this…if you are at peace with yourself…then you my friend…are TRULY BEAUTIFUL!

Written by Emery Myers

Republicans, Right Wing, Tea Party…Their take on Cannabis Legalization…

What Would Republican Jesus Do?
WWRJD – What Would Republican Jesus Do?

The republicans, right-wing and the tea party…all pretty much the same thing…they are owned by people such as the Koch brothers…The Tea Partiers…lets call them TPs…They are for the 1% wealthiest Americans…not the rest of us. This isn’t some kind of absurd thinking…this is the absolute fact of the matter. We all know it…Lets call it what it is…damn, we are all adults…right? So far…marijuana prohibition must be making the right people rich, or politically popular…it sure hasn’t “protected the poor” and helped with the racial inequalities in the arrest rates of Blacks compared to Whites…Blacks get treated like they did 60 years ago when it comes to the so-called War on Drugs!

Black people are profiled!
This graph shows the racial disparity between the different ethnic groups.

The TPs use media such as The Heritage Foundation to promote utter stupidity. This is a link to an article on why we should “Just say no to marijuana”. All of their facts are polar opposite of the truth…they think all of the 99 percenters…are stupid…well, some are…namely people that watch reality T.V.

Here is the real link: http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/09/legalizing-marijuana-why-citizens-should-just-say-no

The short article is completely crazy. This is the science from the 1930s off of the movie

Reefer Madness 


The movie, Reefer Madness is something we watch for comedy now…it is utterly ridiculous…just like the Republicans antiquated view points on the drug war and marijuana prohibition. All of the families ripped apart, not by addiction, but by the government, police, FBI, ATF…whatever…the governmental agencies that have made the drug war so much worse! The war that has taken more lives than any other…The war that has ruined more people than ever…                     THE WAR ON DRUGS! 

American money now...
Where did it go? Does the U.S. just give it to a charity? Build a new school? Make more war deals with Lockheed-Martin?

Back to corrupt, hypocritical republican politicians, Trey Redel…republican politician…busted for cocaine use…he is a politician that wants welfare recipients drug tested and also voted to cut 40 billion from the poor for programs like food assistance. But it’s okay for Ivy League Trey to snort lines on his marble kitchen counter? He doesn’t get fired? Really…I got piss tested in the Marines all the time…if I would have been positive…I would have been dishonorably discharged…guess the rules aren’t the same for all government employees huh?


The article above is a good way to get a quick read on what the republican party really is…CORRUPT!

If the right-wing really wants to survive politically, they need to LISTEN to the people and actually put into LAW, what the majority wants! This is a very, very simple breakdown of Democracy!

The Majority of Americans want legalization of cannabis…a plant! There are scientific, double-blind, placebo, peer-reviewed studies showing the efficacy of cannabis for human beings with almost every kind of health problem. That is the problem…republicans don’t understand science because science wasn’t invented “a couple hundred years ago”. TBs believe in “Creative Design”…magic is what it is…no science what-so-ever!

Republicans and the REAL Jesus
Science scares Republicans. Science paints the real picture of Jesus. Not the Anglo-Saxon, European, Italian model looking Jesus.

Think…it’s time for us to think!


War on drugs is a war on the POOR
The war on drugs is really a war on the poor. We all know this right? This is the craziness of the sanity! The drug war KILLS!

Natural Medicine Trumped by Big Pharma and Western Medicine

Natural Medicine Trumped by Big Pharma and Western Medicine

Natural Medicine Symbol with Angel Wings…politicians are always talking about their religion, yet they sleep soundly at night knowing non-violent cannabis users are doing hard time in Prison…Lives ruined over another failed war…the Drug War!

Nature is not a random mistake.
Nature is not a random mistake.