Tag Archives: Snoop Lion

Mitch Holmes…Tea Party Kansan!

Mitch Holmes…Tea Party Kansan!

Representative Mitch Holmes Far Right Republican Set on Blocking Medical Marijuana in Kansas. Check out the link to his website...he cares about his career first...that is one reason to question if we need another one of these kind in government. His thinking isn't new...It's straight out of the 19th century!
Representative Mitch Holmes Far Right Republican Set on Blocking Medical Marijuana in Kansas. Check out the link to his website…he cares about his career first…that is one reason to question if we need another one of these kind in government. His thinking isn’t new…It’s straight out of the 19th century!

Mr. Mitch Holmes is stuck in the 1920s. He must not believe in science because he is down right ignorant when it comes to medical marijuana and the thousands of patients that want it. He is afraid of REEFER MADNESS… Just another antiquated good old boy! Church on Sunday morning and NRA meetings on Sunday evening.

Don’t we want more in Kansas! This guy is blocking the Cannabis Compassion and Care Act because of his own personal feelings. Our Douche award goes to…. Mr. Holmes!

He is just trying to get elected by avoiding any conflicting issues facing Kansans. Does he really think that blocking this will help? It will help Big Pharma, which he puts all his cards in that hand, and it helps is election possibilities.

He is just trying to get a job! LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE Mr. Holmes! Not 80 year old farmers, but the young as well!        Generation X…LISTEN! We NEED to quit electing the same, robot-like conservatives that paint a perfect picture with Jesus, lambs and peace…and then they lie out the other side of their mouths!

Cancer patients, Crohn’s patients, and Diabetics Will NOT GET any support from Kansas Government!

Cancer patients, Crohn’s patients, and Diabetics Will NOT GET any support from Kansas Government!

Governor Brownback is making sure that his view on religion comes first! What makes him right? We should not have to listen to a sermon during his political speeches! So much for freedom in Kansas… No wonder Kansas continues to lose population and tax money! We need change in Kansas! The Baby Boomers on down want change!

So much for separation of church and state. Governor Brownback, a rich, Kansas farmer, will not let HB2198/SB9 see the light of day. His speeches are littered with the word "god". I don't know if he is a politician or preacher! Sick Kansans will not be getting medical marijuana anytime soon! He has his own agenda, and it doesn't consider that close to 70% of Kansans support legalized medical marijuana!
So much for separation of church and state. Governor Brownback, a rich, Kansas farmer, will not let HB2198/SB9 see the light of day. His speeches are littered with the word “god”. I don’t know if he is a politician or preacher! Sick Kansans will not be getting medical marijuana anytime soon! He has his own agenda, and it doesn’t consider that close to 70% of Kansans support legalized medical marijuana!

 Cancer patients, Crohn’s patients, and Diabetics Will NOT GET any support from Kansas Government! The State Government is NOT even going to consider this natural remedy, forcing many to use the harmful BIG PHARMA drugs! The use of Cannabis will continue in Kansas but Kansas will see NO benefit from taxes, unlike its neighbor, Colorado, which is enjoying millions of dollars in revenue, no elevated crime. Kansas is going to continue to lose population with this antiquated, right-wing, RED state! Too bad the POLITICIANS don’t listen to the people who elected them. A recent poll in Kansas, shows pro-legalization at nearly 70 percent! WHY WON”T HOUSE REPUBLICANS LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE!

Bill Maher on the hypocrisy of evangelical christians.

Bill Maher on the hypocrisy of evangelical christians.

Bill Maher on the hypocrisy of evangelical christians. Mr. Maher’s video is only 3.5 minutes but he nails it!

Freedom of Religion is ALSO Freedom FROM Religion.
Freedom of Religion is ALSO Freedom FROM Religion.

Colorado’s pot policies provide an exit strategy for the nation.

Colorado’s pot policies provide an exit strategy for the nation.

Despite over 70 years of federal prohibition, tens of thousands of people throughout the nation are right now purchasing marijuana. But only in Colorado are these transactions legal, regulated, and taxed. The product being marketed is of known quality and potency. The seller is not a black-market dealer; rather, he or she is a paid employee of a licensed business explicitly authorized to engage in such transactions. The profits from these transactions bring fiscal benefits to the local community, not the black-market economy.

For decades public officials have warned that regulating cannabis production, sales, and consumption was a practical impossibility and that any significant change in marijuana policy would cause the sky to fall. Yet the initial experience in Colorado has shown these beliefs to be misplaced. State officials can regulate cannabis in a manner that satisfies the seller, the consumer, and the taxman. This common sense regulatory framework, otherwise known as legalization, is preferable to cannabis criminalization, a doomed-to-fail public policy which burdens taxpayers, encroaches upon civil liberties, engenders disrespect for the law, and disproportionately impacts lower income classes and ethnic minorities who bear the brunt of cannabis arrests and prosecutions. The time has come to replace marijuana prohibition with public policies that properly regulate the cannabis market and that allow for pot’s private consumption by adults in a manner similar to alcohol and tobacco.

Regulations, such as age restrictions for consumers and licensing requirements for commercial producers and merchants, are effective and proven alternatives to prohibition. For example, the public’s overall consumption of alcohol and tobacco, and young people’s use in particular, now stand at near-historic lows. These results have been achieved not by imposing blanket criminalization upon society, but by legalization, regulation, and public education. Colorado (and soon-to-be Washington) lawmakers are now applying these tried and true principles to cannabis. Public officials should welcome bringing these necessary and long-overdue controls to the cannabis market. A pragmatic regulatory framework that allows for the legal, licensed commercial production and retail sale of cannabis to adults but restricts its use among young people — coupled with a legal environment that fosters open, honest dialogue between parents and children about cannabis’ potential harms — best reduces the risks associated with the plant’s use or abuse. The ongoing criminalization of cannabis only compounds these risks.

Original article can be found at: http://dailycaller.com/2014/01/08/colorados-pot-policies-provide-an-exit-strategy-for-the-nation/

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/01/08/colorados-pot-policies-provide-an-exit-strategy-for-the-nation/#ixzz2quezvYvZ

Pink…Try… a very artistic video and an awesome song…my wife’s top ten!

Pink's video Try is both artistic and very well written. Enjoy!
Pink’s video Try is both artistic and very well written. Enjoy!

Weight Loss Supplement Garcinia Cambogia WARNING!

Weight Loss Supplement Garcinia Cambogia WARNING!

Researchers at GarciniaCambogiaScam.org also warn against buying supplements endorsed by Dr. Oz. This is a red flag, as Dr. Oz does not endorse any particular Garcinia Cambogia supplement.

Researchers at GarciniaCambogiaScam.org also warn against buying supplements endorsed by Dr. Oz. This is a red flag, as Dr. Oz does not endorse any particular Garcinia Cambogia supplement.
Researchers at GarciniaCambogiaScam.org also warn against buying supplements endorsed by Dr. Oz. This is a red flag, as Dr. Oz does not endorse any particular Garcinia Cambogia supplement.

Snoop Lion Wins!!!Gets Visa for Australia!

Snoop Lion, formerly Snoop Dogg, won the fight with Australian women!

The group of angered women wanted to deny his work visa due to his history of speaking of women in his lyrics, in a derogatory and degrading fashion.

Snoop was granted the Visa and will be coming to Australia!

The one and only Snoop Lion will indeed be playing in Australia!
The one and only Snoop Lion will indeed be playing in Australia!