House Bill 2198 Cannabis Compassion and Care Act, Kansas, January 13, 2014 Today at 2PM, Kansas Legislators are slated to review HB2198. If introduced, this would add Kansas to the states that allow medical cannabis, also known as medical marijuana, for patients with qualifying disease. 

The bill is very interesting and written very well. The bill explains that there is a vast amount of scientific evidence that supports the efficacy of the Cannabis Plant to treat everything from inflammatory Bowel Disease to Depression, Anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


Russell Brand Interviews Westboro Baptist Church/Phelps Religious Hate Group

Just a guess…These right-wing nut jobs are christians?

Russell Brand interviewing the hate group know as Westboro Baptist Church.

This offensive group of hyper-religious, right-wing-republican, religious organization, has been spewing hatred for decades now. Fox News claims Westboro Baptist Church, led by Fred Phelps, is left-wing, but the church is right-wing, republican all the way. Liberal leftists would not ever support this kind of hate group and tend to be more progressive with the times, supporting gay marriage, gender and race equality, and other issues I find to be at the top of our moral list!

The church is located smack, dab in the middle of the bible belt in a very conservative, ALL RED state. I can’t blame FOX News for wanting to distance republicans from this group of nuts, but the fact remains, the WBC is a hate group full of right-wing republicans that apparently, “hate fags”

If you want more “God hates fags”, you can…

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