Cancer patients, Crohn’s patients, and Diabetics Will NOT GET any support from Kansas Government!

Cancer patients, Crohn’s patients, and Diabetics Will NOT GET any support from Kansas Government!

Governor Brownback is making sure that his view on religion comes first! What makes him right? We should not have to listen to a sermon during his political speeches! So much for freedom in Kansas… No wonder Kansas continues to lose population and tax money! We need change in Kansas! The Baby Boomers on down want change!

So much for separation of church and state. Governor Brownback, a rich, Kansas farmer, will not let HB2198/SB9 see the light of day. His speeches are littered with the word "god". I don't know if he is a politician or preacher! Sick Kansans will not be getting medical marijuana anytime soon! He has his own agenda, and it doesn't consider that close to 70% of Kansans support legalized medical marijuana!
So much for separation of church and state. Governor Brownback, a rich, Kansas farmer, will not let HB2198/SB9 see the light of day. His speeches are littered with the word “god”. I don’t know if he is a politician or preacher! Sick Kansans will not be getting medical marijuana anytime soon! He has his own agenda, and it doesn’t consider that close to 70% of Kansans support legalized medical marijuana!

 Cancer patients, Crohn’s patients, and Diabetics Will NOT GET any support from Kansas Government! The State Government is NOT even going to consider this natural remedy, forcing many to use the harmful BIG PHARMA drugs! The use of Cannabis will continue in Kansas but Kansas will see NO benefit from taxes, unlike its neighbor, Colorado, which is enjoying millions of dollars in revenue, no elevated crime. Kansas is going to continue to lose population with this antiquated, right-wing, RED state! Too bad the POLITICIANS don’t listen to the people who elected them. A recent poll in Kansas, shows pro-legalization at nearly 70 percent! WHY WON”T HOUSE REPUBLICANS LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE!

Bill Maher on the hypocrisy of evangelical christians.

Bill Maher on the hypocrisy of evangelical christians.

Bill Maher on the hypocrisy of evangelical christians. Mr. Maher’s video is only 3.5 minutes but he nails it!

Freedom of Religion is ALSO Freedom FROM Religion.
Freedom of Religion is ALSO Freedom FROM Religion.