The United States Government’s Hypocritical, Sorry and VERY dated incorrect information on Marijuana.

The latest American Governments take on Marijuana: Warning, the science on this information is out-dated! It is likened to the government movie: Reefer Madness;

Now, a real, current, highly regarded physician, Dr. Sanjay Gupta!

Everybody Favors Marijuana Legalization Except Elderly Republicans
Everybody Favors Marijuana Legalization Except Elderly Republicans
I am a Desert Storm Vet and the owner of this blog. I did my time for the government and ended up with PTSD, insulin dependent diabetes, anxiety, depression...was exposed to terrible conditions, brutality, war...Why can't our elected officials HELP US! Medical Marijuana improves PTSD symptoms. It does not cause schizophrenia unless the person is already schizophrenic. Alcohol is flat deadly...the government doesn't care about alcoholism!
This is me…Mr. Cannablogna! I am a Desert Storm Vet and the owner of this blog. I did my time for the government and ended up with PTSD, insulin dependent diabetes, anxiety, depression…was exposed to terrible conditions, brutality, war…Why can’t our elected officials HELP US! Medical Marijuana improves PTSD symptoms. It does not cause schizophrenia unless the person is already schizophrenic. Alcohol is flat deadly…the government doesn’t care about alcoholism!

Q.  Isn’t marijuana generally harmless?

No.  Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug, meaning it has a high potential for abuse and no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. The main active chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly called THC.  THC acts upon specific sites in the brain, called cannabinoid receptors, starting off a series of cellular reactions that ultimately lead to the “high” that users experience when they smoke marijuana.  Some brain areas have many cannabinoid receptors; others have few or none.  The highest density of cannabinoid receptors are found in parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thinking, concentrating, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement.

Marijuana’s “high” can affect these functions in a variety of ways, causing distorted perceptions, impairing coordination, causing difficulty with thinking and problem solving, and creating problems with learning and memory.  Research has demonstrated that among chronic heavy users these effects on memory can last at least seven days after discontinuing use of the drug.

These aren’t the only problems connected to marijuana use.  Research tells us that chronic marijuana use mayincrease the risk of schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals, and high doses of the drug can produce acute psychotic reactions.  Researchers have also found that adolescents’ long-term use of marijuana may be linked with lower IQ(as much as an 8 point drop) later in life.

We also know that marijuana affects heart and respiratory functions.  In fact, one study found that marijuana users have a nearly five-fold increase in the risk of heart attack in the first hour after smoking the drug.  A study of 452 marijuana smokers (but who did not smoke tobacco) and 450 non-smokers (of either marijuana or tobacco) found that people who smoke marijuana frequently but do not smoke tobacco have more health problems, including respiratory illnesses, than nonsmoker. ~This is completely untrue. 21st century methods including pill form, edibles, vaporizing…all much safer!~ This is all very, very dated information!

All that stated, a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that low levels of marijuana use (with no tobacco use) produced no detrimental effect in lung function among study participants.  In fact, exposure led to a mild, but not clinically significant, beneficial effect—albeit among those who smoked only one joint per day.  While these findings have received wide attention from the media and from advocates of marijuana legalization, it is important to consider them in the context of the extensive body of research indicating that smoking marijuana is harmful to health.  Additionally, while the study did not include a sufficient number of heavy users of marijuana to confirm a detrimental effect of such use on pulmonary function, the findings suggest this possibility.

The harms of marijuana use can also manifest in users’ quality of life.  In one study, heavy marijuana users reported that the drug impaired several important measures of health and quality of life, including physical and mental health, cognitive abilities, social life, and career status.

Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States.  In 2011 alone, more than 18 million Americans age 12 and older reported using the drug within the past month.  Approximately 4.2 million people met the diagnostic criteria for abuse of or dependence on this drug.  This is more than pain relievers, cocaine, tranquilizers, hallucinogens, and heroin combined.

There are very real consequences associated with marijuana use.  In 2010, marijuana was involved in more than461,000 emergency department visits nationwide.  This is nearly 39 percent of all emergency department visits involving illicit drugs, and highlights the very real dangers than can accompany use of the drug.

And in 2011, approximately 872,000 Americans 12 or older reported receiving treatment for marijuana use, more than any other illicit drug.  Despite some viewpoints that marijuana is harmless, these figures present a sobering picture of this drug’s very real and serious harms.

Marijuana places a significant strain on our health care system, and poses considerable danger to the health and safety of the users themselves, their families, and our communities.  Marijuana presents a major challenge for health care providers, public safety professionals, and leaders in communities and all levels of government seeking to reduce the drug use and its consequences throughout the country. ~courtesy of:

Although alcohol, prescription drugs, alcohol and tobacco are not as serious because they are legal? Just because Tobacco is legal are there more people smoking? Actually the numbers have declined drastically…this is due to EDUCATION, which in my state of Kansas, drug programs are not affordable to the government due to the costs of running prisons and such! INSANITY!

Nelson Mandella
Freedom…Isn’t that what we all crave? Should we have to crave freedom over our own bodies in America? It IS the 21st century! Republicans need to understand that. The new generations aren’t interested in their bullshit!

Mitch Holmes…Tea Party Kansan!

Mitch Holmes…Tea Party Kansan!

Representative Mitch Holmes Far Right Republican Set on Blocking Medical Marijuana in Kansas. Check out the link to his website...he cares about his career first...that is one reason to question if we need another one of these kind in government. His thinking isn't new...It's straight out of the 19th century!
Representative Mitch Holmes Far Right Republican Set on Blocking Medical Marijuana in Kansas. Check out the link to his website…he cares about his career first…that is one reason to question if we need another one of these kind in government. His thinking isn’t new…It’s straight out of the 19th century!

Mr. Mitch Holmes is stuck in the 1920s. He must not believe in science because he is down right ignorant when it comes to medical marijuana and the thousands of patients that want it. He is afraid of REEFER MADNESS… Just another antiquated good old boy! Church on Sunday morning and NRA meetings on Sunday evening.

Don’t we want more in Kansas! This guy is blocking the Cannabis Compassion and Care Act because of his own personal feelings. Our Douche award goes to…. Mr. Holmes!

He is just trying to get elected by avoiding any conflicting issues facing Kansans. Does he really think that blocking this will help? It will help Big Pharma, which he puts all his cards in that hand, and it helps is election possibilities.

He is just trying to get a job! LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE Mr. Holmes! Not 80 year old farmers, but the young as well!        Generation X…LISTEN! We NEED to quit electing the same, robot-like conservatives that paint a perfect picture with Jesus, lambs and peace…and then they lie out the other side of their mouths!