Intolerance: A terrible side-effect of organized religion.

Intolerance for others…a side-effect of religion!

Why have we grown so intolerant of each other? Why do we imprison so many other human-beings in our country, the United States? Why does the word “immigrant” seem almost taboo, when that is how our country was started. Why do we not honor the Native Americans more? What is wrong with…US? Why is the U.S. so intolerant of any other religion besides Christianity? Why does the U.S. put religion ahead of science? Religious intolerance for the scientific community? Shouldn’t there be a clear separation between politics and religion? Shouldn’t religion be personal choice? I know…I know…lots of questions and not many, if any, answers.

Before chemistry, was alchemy…or magic. Before science was religion…or magic! I believe that religion has a huge influence on intolerance of others. Intolerance of different cultures, colors, voices, beliefs…Intollerant!

What makes Sunni Muslims wrong and the Mormon’s right? What makes Christianity right and Muslim wrong?…

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Insane Pieces of Art! Aggresive Artiststry Shoved Down Your Throat!

Insane Pieces of Art! aggressive artistry Shoved Down Your Throat!

Insanely Disturbing and Sexy.
Insanely Disturbing and Sexy.

I don’t know the name of the artist and I am glad I don’t. I like to think their art explains who they, the artists, are! This image portrays a strong, sexual person to me. I feel confused by the picture! It makes me think and feel, though not necessarily all positive, it does force me to feel…very conflicted and a little violated!

Insane 3D artwork entitled Angiospermae Insane
Insane 3D artwork entitled Angiospermae Insane

What else can be said for Angiospermae Insane? The image is awesome. Not much more to say. Enjoy!

Insane Water Landscape in Real Life Nature!
Insane Water Landscape in Real Life Nature!

Nature always has the finest canvas! Nature supplies all of the elements needed for the perfect painting! This picture is worth millions of words! What else can I possibly say?

Insane Body Art. Beautifully Individual and Odd!
Insane Body Art. Beautifully Individual and Odd!

This has got to be one of the most awesome tattoos in the world! Enough said!

Catch Me if You Can!
Catch Me if You Can!

This is an actual person! Art takes many shapes, forms and dimensions!

Insane Crazy Logo Words

I think any artist would agree with this saying. I sure relate to it. Many people, people very close to me…don’t understand me. I am an artist, a writer, a free-thinker, different…atypical! I am labeled a weirdo by some, I’m sure…that doesn’t bother me anymore. I am comfortable in my own, scarred, worn skin! I am NO genius. I am of average intelligence but I am finally free! I am myself and I am free! I make no lies for who I am anymore! Be true to you! Fuck what anyone else thinks! Be yourself. Love yourself. Believe in yourself…no matter how “crazy” society labels you, remember, your NOT crazy…you ARE creatively insane!

Insane Human Faces
Insane Human Faces! You know they are REAL, human faces…but your brain fights you for a few seconds!

This is the kind of art that stimulates dormant parts or under-worked parts of the human brain. That makes this priceless art too!

Creepy, pretty, insane, Creatively Insane!
Creepy, pretty, insane, Creatively Insane!

This piece is so bizarre, so odd, so insane, how could you not love it. It’s raw and human…but so wrong at the same time. It is wrong in the right way.

Out of the deep, deep blue...Shark Week!
Out of the deep, deep blue…Shark Week!

I hope you have enjoyed a few minutes of art in your day! I know I have. Don’t get bit by any sharks!

by Emery Myers

Art from: google images

The Legalization of Cannabis.

Awesome article on The Legalization of Cannabis.